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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are just some of the questions most often asked about the Livestock Show and Rodeo. If you have additional questions, you can send your question to the appropriate committee member HERE.


General Rodeo

Q: Where is the rodeo located?

A: Billy Morgan Rodeo Arena- Katy ISD (5801 Katy Hockley Cut-Off Katy, TX 77493)


Q: Do you book bands for the rodeo?
A: The Katy Rodeo does not have a band venue at its rodeo

Q: Is there a payout for the Jr. Rodeo Events?
A: The Jr. Events are not sanctioned by CPRA therefore there is not a payout. We award a buckle to first place and other placings get a ribbon.

Q: What is the Ranch Rodeo?, where does it take place and what is the cost?
A: It is a demonstration event of how a real ranch cowboy works cattle for branding and doctoring. It is a free event open to the public. It will start around 12:30 to 1pm on Saturday and is a free event open to the public.

Q: How can i sign up for the bull riding or steer riding?
A: You have to sign up through the CPRA. Call in on Monday or Tuesday before the rodeo. We don't have steer riding. All Pro Rodeo event sign up is done thru

Q: Where is the rodeo located?
A: The Katy ISD FFA Livestock Show and Rodeo events will be held at the NEW Complex located North of Katy on Katy Hockley Cut Off Rd at Beckendorff Rd.

Rodeo - Food

Q: Do you allow vendors to setup a booth to sell food items?
A: All food at the rodeo is sold by the Knights of Columbus.

Rodeo - Commercial/Vendor Booths

Q: Do you allow vendors to setup a booth to sell commercial merchandise?
A: Not at the current time. We don't have the space for commercial booths.

Calf Scramble

Q: How does my student sign up for the calf scramble?
A: The rodeo committee doesn't schedule or sign up the students for calf scramble. Please have the student contact his/her Ag Teacher.

Mutton Bustin'

Q: Do parents need to provide safety gear for their participants?
A: Head and chest gear for mutton bustin will be provided by KLSR.

Q: When is the registration for Mutton Bustin?
A: Please refer to the Mutton Bustin' information page.

Q: Is there somewhere I can take my child to practice Mutton Bustin?
A: There is not a place as we do not have a practice run.

Q: Where can I find out more information?
A: Additional information can be obtained from the Entry Forms web page.

Stick Horse
It's not necessary to sign up to race, simply listen for them to announce during the course of the evening to come down to the gate to line-up for the race. There will be someone on both sides of the arena holding up a Sign for participants to come down for the race shortly before the announcement as well. There is no cost to participate in the race. You are welcome to bring your own horse to race, or you have the option of purchasing a horse at the gate. The horses sold at the gate are made every year by our KISD HS FFA student body and are each as unique as the students who make them and the children who ride them; they typically retail for a approx. $5-$10.

Some additional info: We don't have set age requirements for participation in the stick horse races; however we recommend ages 3 to 8; simply because children are running in the dirt arena and any younger than 3 may struggle over the terrain, and typically by 9 years, or 3rd Grade and older, kids are too big to run along side their younger counterparts. We encourage parents to use their judgment as to what is best for their family.

Q: When is the stick horse race?
A: Stick horse racing is every night of the rodeo.

Q: How old must the children be to enter the stick horse race?
A: The age for stick horse is 0-5 years of age.

Q: Do we bring our own stick horse or is it provided?
A: If you don't have your own stick horse, we will have a very limited amount for sale at the arena HOWEVER you must arrive early as they go FAST.

Q: What time does my child have to register for the stick horse event?
A: You do not have to register for this event. Just show up with a stick horse and line up when the announcer calls for stick horse racers.

Livestock Show/Auction
Q: I am interested in being a buyer.
A: You may fill out the KISD Buyer Registration Form prior to Saturday's Auction. You may also register on Saturday, prior to the Auction, by visiting one of the five (5) windows inside the Pavilion.

Q: Do I need anything to go to the Buyers' Luncheon?
A: The Buyers' Luncheon is by invitation only.

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